Since I’ve just become an aunt of a cute little girl and as one with a penchant for cute and cuddly babies babies, I’m posting this pic below (my younger brother and I really laughed when we first encountered "rock and rule"):
cute, cute, cute
and quite witty too. \m/
The chubby stone is awfully reminiscent of the annihilated bubbles in "fantaisie in bubblewrap."
The chubby stone is awfully reminiscent of the annihilated bubbles in "fantaisie in bubblewrap."
I’m hating the internet. It’s so devoid of privacy. Friendster wouldn’t budge when I asked it to stop sending me alerts and stop letting people know what I was up to. Can’t someone enjoy selective socializing for once? Google, on one hand, is driving me nuts with the caches and all.
Yes, this is estoppel. I shouldn’t complain over something I have already benefited from. Still, I have the right to rant. There’s no other quick method to jot down things. Manual writing sores my right hand badly by letting it bear the brunt of labor while my left hand remains idle (I just wish I had Da Vinci’s split-brain talent). Whereas if I use the computer, and blogs, I’ll be able to use my left as well as my right hand as typing deems I should. And yeah, I won’t have to lose what I write, and the memories in it, if ever the computer bugs down or the USB gets lost or the notebook falls somewhere out there.
Basta, basta. This is my life. It’s now or never (yuck Bon Jovi!).
I don’t think I’ll have this much free time next year.
Mnemosyne walks to inspire me.