These days, harboring even a bit of hope for a better tomorrow is an unforgivable social crime. Tolerating injustice is an act that must be condoned. If you fail to do so, you'll be scorned.
You've always believed you were born into the wrong era. You thought God deliberately threw you into this generation so you can help move mountains. That or you're just vain. Irrevocably, shamelessly so.
Idealism is a thing of the past. Those ideals are just as good as your dreams. You might even forget them once you snap out of your slumber. They're intangible. They're surreal. They're unnecessary illusions to a person who's wide awake.
Wake up, Christine! *slaps* No one believes in those hopes of yours, anymore. Everyone wants something else. Everyone is busy doing something else. Everyone's busy pretending to be someone else. No one wants to chase pavements because it's easier to just drill a hole on the road you're walking on. There's money to be made. There's time to be wasted. There's so much beauty and vanity to be had. The whole world oozes with everything you can touch and discard and reassemble. Why bother with something you can't quantify - or touch or see or confirm?
Ideals are nothing compared to the harsh realities surrounding you. Reality bites. You can never beat the REAL. You are a spec of dust in the vastness of life. What makes you think you can make a difference? Besides, your ideas are common. Anyone can think of a better plan, a better way, a better solution. Whatever. The point is... there are many other people out there who can think better than you. It's harsh, but face it: who are you to say you can make a difference?
Your principles are not worth it. There are people with higher IQ, deeper insights, bigger ambitions, better imaginations, more finances, more friends and acquaintances and tons of charisma - can you compete with them? What have you done, exactly? Do you think what you've done so far is enough to change the course of this world - the city you live in, perhaps?
The real world will crush you and your ideals if you don't surrender now. You're too frustrated. This is a one-sided battle and we have the upper hand. You are alone without a troop to back you up or fight on your behalf. Do you think everything will go your way just because you entertain such laudable altruism? Well, think again.
Save your tears, pathetic girl. No one's going to cry for you anyway. Bear the brunt of your vain hopes. Suffer from your delusions. Eat your ideals. The outcome will still be the same. You've lost before you've begun.
*puts pen down; removes earphones*
Did someone say something? *looks around but hears nothing*
Oh, well. *shrugs, plugs earphones back, and continues to write her manuscript as if nothing happened*
Did someone say something? *looks around but hears nothing*
Oh, well. *shrugs, plugs earphones back, and continues to write her manuscript as if nothing happened*