Showing posts with label treachery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label treachery. Show all posts

Saturday, January 21, 2012


I fight for human dignity. You profit from enslaving people.
I want to do what I do best. You want to make a robot out of me.
My world is huge, colourful and dynamic. Yours is too cold, narrow and calculating.

We’re really INCOMPATIBLE.
I am an activist. You’re a consummate liar.
I respect each person’s individuality. You compare them as if they’re all the same.
I've witnessed colleagues strive to be of value. You use them to extract more money.

We’re dreadfully INCOMPATIBLE.
You tell lies over and over and over again. I told the truth and you hated me for it.
You invite people just to deceive them. I endeavour to free them from your clutches.
You want people to beg at your feet. Sorry, but I can stand on my own two feet.

We’re infinitely INCOMPATIBLE.
Your ego suffers when someone leaves. Didn’t you know they have every right to do so?
You use the law to serve your own ends. Soon, a force beyond law will judge you.
You push people to a corner and then play victim. Congratulations for achieving greater evil.

And because we’re INCOMPATIBLE, I have to say:
What a bummer to have crossed paths with you and be deceived thereafter.
Come to think of it, however, it was good to have met you.
Now I know that the person I met three years ago was just a FAÇADE.
Thank you for inviting me; I finally got to know the horrible person underneath.
Thank you for inviting me; I got to know people who are way better than you.
I forged lasting friendships with them.
I enjoyed every minute with them even as we grew apart.
I learned wonderful things with them as you grew (metaphorically) more corrupt.
I was happy to find a few rays of light in such a dingy place. 

Hold on to your rusty pedestal while you can.
You can only do so much and you will never get another opportunity as good as that.

And if you think people hate you because they’re jealous of you, think again. There are so many reasons to hate you, actually:
  1. You don’t respect people’s abilities. Multi this, multi that. Instead of professionals who earned their baccalaureate degrees from prestigious universities, get an all-around maid for crying out loud! You just want to surround yourself with spineless people, who will bend over anytime you ask them to.  Picking me must have caused you tons of regret. I’m so glad to have vexed you. 
  2. You keep talking about yourself instead of doing what you’re supposed to do. If you never got over the past, why leave that place then? Bragging about the big personalities you were with back then has never made a difference in your performance. You try so hard to prove to everyone how “qualified” you are to be in such a position. Is it just me or do I think your head has really grown twice its original size? You have truly mastered the art of exaggeration. 
  3. You have no word of honour. Saying one thing but doing another. Always. Half of the things you said never materialized. You said you really needed what I could do. Blah, blah, blah. The heck was that? And look where you got me! All those meetings – whatever for? Did they even resolve anything? No one had to leave if it were otherwise. I can’t believe how gullible I was last year. 
  4. You are interfering, meddlesome and a know-it-all. If you think you know everything and if you think you can do a better job than the rest of us put together, why don’t you do it all yourself? Let’s see if that institution would grow with only you around. 
  5. You absolutely lack empathy. You totally disregard people’s feelings, unless they run to you and make you feel all that important. I remember this one incident when I thought the old you resurfaced – ah well, it was all just an act. I figured you only tried to champion us to put you in a good light. Too bad, the damage was done. You were easy to spell. Try to picture yourself in other people’s shoes. Oh, wait. You’re busy, right? You have no time to sit down and deal with any of them. If you don’t want to deal with people, then what on earth are you managing? Why call yourself a “manager” who handles Human Resources? If that wasn’t greedy enough, you meddle with legal affairs too when you’re severely ignorant of Labor Laws. I know the extent of your ignorance. I am, after all, a Political Science major from the very school you despise for its unassuming but glaring excellence.
Anyhow, before I waste more of my thoughts on you, I suggest you read something about Kant’s categorical imperative. It will teach you not to use people as means to achieve your self-centered ends. You have no right to play around with their lives.

Only the interminability of time has the power to determine whether the “friendship” we once had can still be fixed. For now, I cannot lie and say I have forgotten everything. The memory of your treachery still burns a little hole in my heart. I am trying hard to forgive you and your wannabe boss. You might not ask for it but, hey, your soul needs it better than mine. Don’t waste all the masses you’ve attended in your lifetime as many hypocrites do.

I hope you forgive me too for getting fooled by your façade. From the first day we met, we were already so incompatible. I was just so stupid to ignore the signals around me. Thanks to you, I have proven my idiocy. Such incompatibility is beyond reproach.

Until our paths cross again, dear __________.