Showing posts with label when words are not enough to describe how thankful you are. Show all posts
Showing posts with label when words are not enough to describe how thankful you are. Show all posts

Monday, July 1, 2013

Oh Mother, Mother, Mother...

It's true what they say. It takes a whole lot of pain and suffering to realize the value of something. Agonizing moments, tear-jerking experiences and pangs of sorrow help us see and realize the things that are worth fighting for after all.

Let us go back to Albert Camus, the existentialist extraordinaire who opened our eyes to the Myth of Sisyphus. Through the example of Sisyphus, a man cursed by the gods for loving life too much, Camus explained to us the entirety of life in a nutshell. If you never took up Philosophy subjects like Philosophy of Man or Ethics back in College, then you pretty much missed the whole point of this Sisyphus dude and why the heck he had to torture himself, rolling a boulder up the peak of a mountain only to have it roll all the way down again.